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Blog For Everybody

09 June 2011

Greatest love myths busted

it sounded sweet when you were 13. There's always a Prince Charming who comes and rescues the damsel in distress.But soon the damsel finds herself in more distress because of Mr Right! Real life love stories are scripted with a pinch of salt. And that's why fashion stylist and choreographer Ketan Bhatia believes that rather than Ms Right, new age love stories talk about Ms Right Now."People don't hesitate to walk out of a marriage if anything goes wrong. The 'one and only one' and the 'perfect partner' doesn't necessarily have to be perfect," says Anu Goel, psychologist.

In most love marriages, people tie the knot with lofty ideas, but soon the dreams come crashing, when you actually start living with the 'soul-mate'."A relationship is more about acceptance than love," says Dr Gitanjali Sharma, family and marriage counsellor.And Aastha Atray, one of the three winners of the second season of Mills & Boon Passions-Aspiring Author Auditions, agrees with her. "Mills and Boon works on this belief. We are all flawed and we need to be with people who understand those flaws and see beyond them."

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