google-site-verification=DY3l_77X-FOa60XTi3uBkgcWrlgQNYWvueZlx8HzWwo Blog For Everybody: Casey Anthony's Lawyer Jose Baez Has Trials of His Own


Blog For Everybody

08 June 2011

Casey Anthony's Lawyer Jose Baez Has Trials of His Own

Like many attorneys defending a client facing the death penalty, Casey Anthony's attorney recently moved for a mistrial. While the strategy is common, Jose Baez's reasoning was not. He claimed the evidence disparaged his character.By stepping into the spotlight of the Florida courtroom, Baez went from being a local lawyer with a past that includes child support battles, bad checks and bikini businesses to the defense attorney in the most high profile case in the country at the moment.Baez, 42, is defending Casey Anthony from charges that she killed her 2-year-old daughter Caylee, a crime that could warrant her a death sentence.Richard Hornsby, a defense attorney who has followed the case closely, was president of the Central Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers when he first learned about Casey Anthony's hiring of Baez in 2008."I first said, 'Jose who?" Hornsby said. "I had no idea who he was."It has taken a while for Baez to establish himself as a defense lawyer. Despite graduating from law school in 1997, the Navy veteran was denied admission to the Florida bar for eight years until 2005.

An order by the Supreme Court of Florida states that he was denied admission because of his failure to pay child support to his ex-wife and secure life and health insurance for his teenage daughter. It states that he had previously declared bankruptcy, written bad checks and defaulted on student loans, the court said.The Florida Supreme Court said his financial mishaps coupled with failure to pay child support "show a lack of respect for the rights of others and a total lack of respect for the legal system, which is absolutely inconsistent with the character and fitness qualities required of those seeking to be afforded the highest position of trust and confidence recognized by our system of law."Baez declined several requests by ABC News to comment on this story.Casey Anthony's own family questioned their daughter in jailhouse tapes about the attorney she'd chosen. In a conversation on July 25, 2008, Casey Anthony's brother told his jailed sister that Baez's number one priority is himself.

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