google-site-verification=DY3l_77X-FOa60XTi3uBkgcWrlgQNYWvueZlx8HzWwo Blog For Everybody: Study: Half of Facebook's walls enjoy profanity


Blog For Everybody

25 May 2011

Study: Half of Facebook's walls enjoy profanity

I am not sure I see the point of Facebook walls. Save for those Facebook uses so that Google can't peer over.However, I've never really thought about the vernacular that prevails on these relatively public repositories of graffiti.So I am grateful to a company called Reppler, which decided to take a peek at the
musings on 30,000 Facebook murals.It was not a pretty sight. For Reppler deduced that 47 percent of Facebook usershave naughty words on their wall. Naturally, for those of a permissive bent as myself,
 this seems to suggest that Facebook is a place where free expression abounds.However, Reppler happens to be a company that dedicates itself to keeping your Facebook image "clean and safe" (whatever that might mean), so it is throwing caution into our winds of abandon.

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