google-site-verification=DY3l_77X-FOa60XTi3uBkgcWrlgQNYWvueZlx8HzWwo Blog For Everybody: Pomp and substance for Obama's Britain visit


Blog For Everybody

21 May 2011

Pomp and substance for Obama's Britain visit

when President Barack Obama and the first lady visit London next week there will be pomp and pageantry aplenty.The many Americans who seemed entranced by the royal wedding may be delighted that their president will be staying in Buckingham Palace, will be the Queen's guest of honour at a state banquet, and will get a tour of Westminster Abbey.But it will be a time for serious business too.The top of the list couldn't be more serious: Afghanistan. The prime minister and the president will be talking about making peace with the Taliban in Afghanistan and ending the fighting for British and American troops.Senior Western diplomats in Washington say that the killing of Bin Laden could be a "pivot" that could give "extra vigour" to the quest for a political solution in Afghanistan.

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